women entrepreneurs in tourism

Exclusive wine tasting with the winemaker

Where: Liguria

Who: Consorzio Ospitalità Diffusa Una montagna di accoglienza nel Parco

AAGRTMemberper testo piccoloGRT Member, many women, a hundred of enterprises, protection of habitat and culture

Exclusive wine tasting with the winemaker

Where: Liguria

Who: Agriturismo Valcrosa

AAGRTMemberper testo piccolo  GRT Member caring for the environment and style

You come here to breathe in the silence, between the green and red of the olive trees and vineyards,

Where: Isola Asinara, Sardegna, Italia

Who: parcoasinara.org

2stars1star Unique in the world for its nature and history and for the more than 150 guides, teachers, restaurateurs, naturalists, professional women managers

“La Guida delle Libere Viaggiatrici”
50 mete per donne che amano viaggiare, in Italia e nel mondo

16 maggio | Ore 18.00
Casa Internazionale delle donne – via della Lungara 19 - Roma

This is the story of how a long experience in Tanzania brought Istituto Oikos from environment to people, to focus on projects with women. Who are the great protagonists of Maasai Women Art fair trade. While the Maasai Community learned how to organise tourism. So now, going there means to bring an advantage directly to Maasai people. 

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La Guida delle Libere viaggiatrici
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Cosa le donne devono sapere per lavorare nei nuovi turismi  
Come il turismo responsabile serve alle donne 
Dove andare per viaggiare con le donne in mente