gender tourism
This is the story of how the Acra Ngo, organised in Zanzibar projects against poverty, that achievedmaking a better tourism, a better life for communities, Questa è la storia di come, in anni di lavoro, la Ong Acra ha organizzato a Zanzibar progetti contro la povertà, che hanno migliorato il turismo, la vita delle comunità, la qualità e la quantità di esperienze per i viaggiatori.
From the south side of the word, this is the story of the first project that ended succesfully, involving the Community from the beginning. Starting from a development project and becoming a great travel.
Climb Annapurna, learn English, become a mid wife? This and more is part of the project Empowerement Women Nepal , created for women and the community by Lucky, Dicky e Nicky Chetri. And since the three sisters and their scholars are great trekking and climbing guides, all you have to do is to go visit Khahare, Pokhara, Nepal.