Fashion in Marrakech Medina

A now well-known coop of women whose story started more than twenty years ago, well worth dropping in, for shopping addicts, but also for a good dinner. 

The story of this group of women started in 1987, when an American fashion designer lead off a group of nine women dressmakers. When the lady quit the business in 1991, the women, helped by the local  Société d‘Investissement et de Développement Internationale (SIDI), founded an association, becoming a cooperative in 1994 (“Les Femmes de Marrakesh”), and since then they have been going on, dividing gains and investing.

In 1992 they participated to the French Artisans du Monde Fair; from then on, their clothes and fabrics have been being sold everywhere: in France and in Italy, with the collection of Esprit Equo, a well known fair fashion brand.

Nowadays, besides the 7 women who are members of the coop, about thirty others dye, weave, sew and tailor, paid for their work by the cooperative; who is managing design, orders and shipping.

So, if you go to the Marrakech Medina, let yourself be charmed: at the SODEV Boutique (67, Souk Kchachbia) a mass of blouses, caftans, shawls and skirts in the light sousdi (a cotton and viscose fabric ofFez origin) welcome in a blaze of yellows, reds, and oranges.

An original way to meet the women of the coop, is also ask them to set a tradition tasting dinner at their atelier.

Cooperative president: Saida Chaabouni
address atelier: 2, derb El Akkari 1st Bin Lamaassir Bab Taghzoult - Marrakech Medina
address boutique: 67, Souk Kchachbia - Marrakech Medina
tel +212 524 378308 (atelier)
gsm Soad (responsible for the boutique) +212 524 665 343472

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