Development projects widened to tourism. A Beach Lodge in Mozambique

For those going to make a Community project, the Zalala Beach Lodge Society is a good example of environmental and community work.

As Angela Hadjipateras, who started the project with the International Centre for Responsible Tourism and is now in the board of directors, says: << In order to help improve people's livelihoods in future, we needed to know more about their current sources of livelihood. So, in 2010, we undertook a Community Livelihoods Survey to find out how people get by and what are the main problems they face. The most frequently repeated hope expressed by those who took part in the survey was that Tourism will bring jobs and income-generating opportunities for the region. The survey reveals that most households are living at subsistence level. There is a strong desire for waged employment, but very limited opportunities. The very low level of education and training, particularly among women, constitutes one of the major obstacles. Those we spoke to, expressed a strong desire for employment and also for opportunities to do trade with Zalala Beach Lodge. ZBLS is committed to providing jobs, wherever possible, to local community members and working closely with the local Supinho community to ensure their voices are heard and their aspirations understood and respected now and in the future >>.

The Results, also focused on local women needs, are in the Case Study Angela sent us, with very useful conclusions and recommendations. 

As you can see in the News, the improvement, based on Lodge's friends donations, is going on: non only in the stoned patio of the swimming pool, the new reception and the road, but also in employing 20 members of the local community as guards and cleaners, and training to basic business management skills, to enhance the success of micro-entreprises. Rotating Saving and Credit Groups is a way in which the Lodge is trying to support communities. The idea is that a small amount of credit is circulated in rotation among group members, who can use it as they please. Women are better than men at saving and managing credit and half the groups are for women only.

This is one way of trying to support women in the community who take on most of the responsibility for the children and care of the elderly and orphans, as well as a bigger share of the domestic responsibilities, the improvement, based on Lodge's friends donations, is going on: non only in the stoned patio of the swimming pool, the new reception and the road, but also in employing 20 members of the local community as guards and cleaners, and training to basic business management skills, to enhance the success of micro-entreprises. Rotating Saving and Credit Groups is a way in which the Lodge is trying to support communities. The idea is that a small amount of credit is circulated in rotation among group members, who can use it as they please. Women are better than men at saving and managing credit and half the groups are for women only. This is one way of trying to support women in the community who take on most of the responsibility for the children and care of the elderly and orphans, as well as a bigger share of the domestic responsibilities.

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