Pumpered by a Valley
Who: Associazione Valle del Carpina
Not only 25 women but all valley operators are networking
From sources on Monte Splendore in Upper Umbria, the crystal clear waters of the Carpina river run for twenty-eight kilometres to join the Tiber, following winding valleys, cutting through the hills which lie between Gubbio and Città di Castello. Copses of turkey oak, Rovella oak and black hornbeam clothe the slopes and valley bottoms giving the impression of an untouched natural landscape. Here gazing at waterfalls cascading down steep gorges or from the fortified defences of the medieval towns of Montone and Pietralunga, the visitor, on seeing this landscape, is tempted to abandon reason and rely entirely on his senses to take in all that is offered
At Borgo Migliorati, Giovannella turns her orchard's fruits into jams and sirups, at Montevalentino, Fabrizia, produces a bio wine with cherries, at Pietrlunga Daniela and Elisa produce truffles and Patrizia sells in her delicatessen shop her precious Ortali salami. locale a base di visciole (www.montevalentino.it).
At La Cerqua and la Balucca, labelled eco-farm, Silvana and her mother teach travellers and kids from the local school, how to make pasta or bread, or they serve organic dishes prepared according to the traditional local recipes and made of certified products from the Farm or other ecological firms.
And so do renowned chefs as Fabrizia, Maria Grazia, Sara, Manuela, Irene, Monica and many more, in their gourmet restaurants, rural homes, old mansions and Inns. And of course, also the Town Tourism Counsellor is a lady.
Associazione Valle del Carpina
Borgo Coloti situato nell' Alta Valle del Tevere- Umbria Nord all'interno della " Fresta demaniale di Pietralunga e della valle del Carpina" www.coloti.com ; tel: 0759306530; borgocoloti@gmail.com
Montevalentino 06026 Pietralunga (PG) Umbria; Tel 0759462092; www.montevalentino.it ; info@montevalentino.it
Giuliano Tartufi, Zona industriale sud, 06026 Pietralunga (PG); Tel. 0759460079;
Cerqua tel. 0759460283; www.cerqua.it; cerqua@cerqua.it