Art populaire au Mali

Dove: Mali

Chi: Tamadi

Più di 100 donne nelle comunità rurali condividono ospitalità e cultura

Si esplorano fiumi e pianori, rovine di antichi regni e accampamenti nomadi, ma soprattutto si vive con contadini e artigiani, al ritmo delle famiglie locali.The Franco-Belgian-Malaysian association Tamadi works with the main peasant association of Mali (AOPP), with business agreements, collaborating and sharing resources. The earnings are divided with a ratio of 70/30. They decide together the circuits, the nature and the quality of the services offered, the formation of the families they welcome and the escorts. 
The local partner ensures coordination on the spot and Tamadi ensures information and marketing in Europe. There are five itineraries in Mali in Mopti, Djennè, Sègou and Bamako. And here is the project that is a flagship: in the south of Mali, with the peasant women of Kaniko, Sikasso and Farakala, in the villages near the fields, the women stop to make caritè butter, to cook, to prepare dinners and delicious rooms for tourists. It’s a way to do the work of the countryside without walking 30 kilometers every day. But also to have a direct profit from the hospitality and the sharing of traditions. Everything in Kénédougou Mousso, as planned.

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