Support Yangon Bakehouse

I'd really love for people  to know of this really great new initiative that we are launching now...a training school for disadvantaged women, that will provide a catering service and sit-down restaurant/delivery service here in Yangon!   We have a free training kitchen for the next two months, then we signed the lease last week for a permanent space, and then we have another small free space in a brand new development that has been donated to us which will come on board in June.  We have also selected our first batch of 6 female apprentices, and will work up to 12 apprentices once we are in our regular space next month.  These women are all former political prisoners, ex-sex workers, deathly poor and have little opportunity to learn new skills that can sustain them and their families without something like this.  The goal is to have these women complete a 9 month apprenticeship with us, where they learn very high hygiene standards, kitchen skills, English, business development skills, and the food service industry.  We expect that after the women graduate, they will be able to work in a variety of places and have the opportunity to earn a living wage for them and their families.  These women are true survivors and have experienced so much difficulty and suffering.  So we are really about their healing journey, finding wholeness, forgiveness, and having a fresh start on life.  

We have just launched a funding drive on indigogo which I have attached to give you some details on the project.  There is a video which explains the project, and has pictures of the women as well at our first community event.   If people wish to give, they can do so online, and there are many perks for those who might be interested to do so.  The link is below:

Anyway, can you help me to get the word out? In these last few days before Christmas is upon us?

Thanks so very very much!

Cavelle Dove
Imagine Myanmar / Imagine Thailand
Thailand:  Cell:  (66) 89-034-0939 / Office:  (66) 02-240-0447 / Fax:  (66) 02-350-2829
Myanmar:  Cell:  (+95) 094-320-8478 / Office:  (+95) 660-675 / Fax:  (+95) 660-675

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